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Caturday The History And Celebration Of Internet Cat Day

Caturday: The History and Celebration of Internet Cat Day

The Origin of Caturday

The tradition of Caturday originated on the popular online forum, 4chan, where users would post humorous images of cats, known as LOLcats, on Saturdays. The term "Caturday" was first used in 2004 and quickly gained popularity among cat enthusiasts.

Spread and Celebration

Over time, Caturday has spread beyond 4chan to other websites and social media platforms. Today, it is a widely celebrated event, with people sharing cat memes, videos, and photos throughout the internet. On Saturdays, the hashtag #Caturday often trends on Twitter and other social media channels.

International Cat Day

In addition to the traditional Caturday celebration, there is also an official International Cat Day. Established in 2002, International Cat Day is celebrated on August 8th each year. On this day, cat owners and lovers around the world come together to celebrate their feline friends and promote cat welfare.

Internet Slang

In internet slang, the term "Caturdays" is also used to refer to Saturday as the day for posting cat-related content online. This usage further emphasizes the significance of Caturday in the online cat community.


From its humble beginnings on 4chan to its widespread celebration today, Caturday has become an integral part of the internet cat culture. On Saturdays, cat enthusiasts unite online to share their love for felines, creating a fun and wholesome atmosphere for all who participate. Whether it's through LOLcats, memes, or heartfelt photos, Caturday provides a reminder of the joy and companionship that cats bring into our lives.
